Course Offerings
Return to Love
What if I told you there are really only two emotions – Fear and Love? All feelings, all choices stem from those basic emotions. The need for power, for more money, for more control – those desires all stem from fear. A feeling of contentment stems from Love. Jealousy stems from Fear. Forgiveness stems from Love. Justification stems from Fear. How do we navigate our life with Love when the world is so chaotic, so angry? It starts with you. It starts with Self-Love. Let’s face it, if you want to make a positive change in your family, you have to be good with you, first. So, let’s get back to the Basics. Let’s Return to Love and Let’s start with You.
Living a Kick Ass Life
Persistence is a state of mind therefore, it can be cultivated. Like all states of mind, persistence is based upon defined causes.
Among them are:
Living a Kick Ass Life requires Persistence. It also requires a great deal of Soul Work. This class is like nothing you will have ever taken before. It is not a class in personal development or self-confidence, although that will certainly be a by-product. The class is not a class in religion, although it is spiritual.
So why would you sign up for Living a Kick Ass Life? Maybe because there is a nudge within, a tug at the heart that says, “Now is the time.” When the questions are asked, “Are you expressing yourself fully in all your relationships?” “Are you unapologetically living your truth or are you holding back for the sake of others?” Something inside says, “Now is the time.”
Let It Go
Learning to let go, to detach yourself from the circumstances in your life – that is the one skill that will set you free and help you find peace. You don’t have to give other people power over what you think and feel or be imprisoned by their expectations and demands. You don’t have to live in fear of the unknown.
Through this journey and the supplemental daily meditations, you will learn how to let go of the illusion that you can control anyone or anything beyond yourself. You will find your own balance point and how to return to it when the need arises. Embracing detachment si the key to finding your own way on the path to freedom.
You will receive a Work Sheet for each class, plus a daily meditation to encourage and support your journey.